The week ahead presents us with a sense of HOPEHealth, Opportunity, People, Environment.

We have some ideas on how to have HOPE throughout this week.

  1. Engage in healthy habits. Of course we mean to wash your hands and sneeze into your elbow, but other healthy ideas will help you feel your best. There are lots of free yoga sessions available through YouTube, stretches are a great way to start your day and get your body moving! Planning one healthy meal to enjoy this weekend will give you something to look forward to. Start planning today!
  2. Now is a great opportunity to get organized. It is time for spring cleaning. Take this time at home to review your budget. How have you done in the first quarter of the year? Are you on track with your goals? These crazy times also have pushed the importance of an emergency account for many people. Have you reviewed yours recently? Is there a way we can help you reach your goals?
  3. People are coming together by staying apart. Who do you know that is home alone? We are all living through strange times, and it can be hard for those who are alone. Reach out to people in your community, if you are able. If you are alone, we suggest listening to a funny podcast or finding a happy playlist online!
  4. We are grateful that the seasons are changing! Focusing on your environment is a great way to shift perspective. When you are out for a walk, what do you see that reminds you that life is warming up again? If you are inside, what is something in your home that you are thankful for?

These uncertain times remind us how importance it is to remain calm and look ahead.

If we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Have a great week,